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Introducing the NAWT COLLAR A innovative method for cleaner drinking water
No Chemicals, No electric no magnets required and easy installation
Sin products quimicos. sin electricidad, sin imanes
No Chemicals, No electric no magnets required and easy installation
Sin products quimicos. sin electricidad, sin imanes
America’s newest water safety challenge is something you’ve never heard of!
Think the toilet is the dirtiest spot in the house? You’d be wrong “There’s more fecal bacteria in your kitchen sink than there is in a toilet after you flush it” said microbiologist Charles Gerba, known as “Dr. Germ.”
(CNN) – The United States has some of the saf
America’s newest water safety challenge is something you’ve never heard of!
Think the toilet is the dirtiest spot in the house? You’d be wrong “There’s more fecal bacteria in your kitchen sink than there is in a toilet after you flush it” said microbiologist Charles Gerba, known as “Dr. Germ.”
(CNN) – The United States has some of the safest drinking water in the world; yet its water supply is facing a new challenge -- a slimy growth inside pipes that’s contributing to outbreaks of illness responsible for over 7 million illnesses and 6,000 deaths every year.
That’s the disturbing finding of a new analysis of waterborne disease (10 years in the making) from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
“It’s not just about ingestion of water anymore” said study co-author Vince Hill, Chief of the CDC’S waterborne disease prevention branch. “We captured a more modern picture of what waterborne disease looks like in the United States today.”
Biofilm, a glue-like mixture of bacteria, fungi, amoebas and other microorganisms, is taking up residence inside some of the 6 million miles of plumbing that support drinking, sanitation, hygiene, cooling and heating systems in US buildings, according to the report published Wednesday in the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases.
“If you’ve ever felt that slimy film on your teeth when you haven’t brushed in a while, that’s a biofilm. Biofilms tend to form anywhere there are microbes and water” said lead author Sarah Collier, an analytic epidemiologist at the CDC.
Robust biofilms can provide a safe haven for microbes, protecting them from disinfectants in the water, Hill said. That’s how potentially deadly water borne pathogens such as Legionella bacteria (which causes Legionnaires disease) grow and escape into the air, sickening and killing thousands each year.Easy installation Residential cleaner drinking water or Commercial cleaner pipes and lower maintenance costs
In fact, the report found over 90% of all deaths and the majority of hospitalizations from waterborne diseases are caused by just three airborne pathogens that prosper in biofilms. “It’s sort of a paradigm shift for us: ‘Oh my gosh, there are things growing inside these pipes,’ whether it’s inside the water utilities system or inside your home,” Hill said.“So that’s kind of the new frontier that we’re recognizing,” Collier added.
“And we think this is an area where we can help prevent disease. The result has been the development of a water treatment device which is able clear furred up pipes, stop corrosion and improve drinking water quality with functionality whether the water is standing or flowing and regardless of the rate of flow.
Over 3 billion in health
“And we think this is an area where we can help prevent disease. The result has been the development of a water treatment device which is able clear furred up pipes, stop corrosion and improve drinking water quality with functionality whether the water is standing or flowing and regardless of the rate of flow.
Over 3 billion in health care costs
The CDC team estimated total illnesses, visits to emergency rooms, hospitalizations, deaths, and direct health care costs for 17 waterborne infectious diseases that can be found in homes and industrial plumbing, hot tubs, recreational pools, and water parks.
According to Hill, it was the first report to examine disease from all water sources (drinking, recreational, and environmental), and all exposure routes (ingestion, contact, and inhalation). The analysis found that over 7 million waterborne illnesses occur each year, resulting in over 600,000 visits to emergency rooms, 118,000 hospitalizations, and 6,630 deaths – totaling $3.33 billion in direct healthcare costs.
Otitis externa, more commonly known as swimmer’s ear, was the most common ailment, accounting for 4.7 million or 65% of annual water borne illnesses and 20% of hospitalizations. Norovirus infections, which cause vomiting and diarrhea, were the second most common, with 1.3 million cases, followed by the diarrheal disease giardiasis, with just over 400,000 annual cases. While much less frequent, the biofilm associated pathogens, were responsible for the highest number of hospitalizations and deaths, costing the U.S. healthcare system $2.39 billion annually. Nontuberculous mycobacteria disease causes lung, skin, and soft tissue infections that can be difficult to control. Also called NMT, it was the deadliest of the three, causing 51,400 hospitalizations (44%) and 3,800 deaths (57%) a year. Direct healthcare costs in the US from NMT were $1.53 billion annually. Legionella bacteria, responsible for outbreaks of the pneumonia-type illness called Pontiac fever, caused 995 deaths (15%) each year, the report found.
Pseudomonas pneumonia was responsible for 15,500 hospitalizations and 730 deaths each year, costing the US $453 million annually.
People would come in contact with these airborne diseases through shower heads, building cooling towers and decorative outdoor fountains, among other sources, the report said.
No lamerías el interior de esta pipa... ¡Pero tú bebes y te bañas en el agua que ha pasado por esta tubería todos los días!
Nuestro suministro de agua se enfrenta a un desafío insidioso: un crecimiento viscoso llamado "biopelícula" que se forma dentro de las tuberías y que contribuye a más de 7 millones
No lamerías el interior de esta pipa... ¡Pero tú bebes y te bañas en el agua que ha pasado por esta tubería todos los días!
Nuestro suministro de agua se enfrenta a un desafío insidioso: un crecimiento viscoso llamado "biopelícula" que se forma dentro de las tuberías y que contribuye a más de 7 millones de enfermedades y 6,000 muertes cada año.
¿Quieres exponerte a ti y a tu familia a este riesgo? Pensé que no. Hay una solución a este problema: el collar NAWT. ¡Elimina las biopelículas sin productos químicos, sin electricidad y sin imanes! Fácil de instalar: tarda unos 15 minutos y no se requieren habilidades especiales. La mejor parte de todo es que NO HAY MANTENIMIENTO. Instálelo y olvídese: ¡el collar NAWT dura 10 años! El collar NAWT protege a su familia de las biopelículas que albergan enfermedades infecciosas emergentes. (Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE. UU.)
Para asegurar su collar NAWT, póngase en contacto con:
North America Water Technology, Inc.
271 Skip Lane, Bay Shore, NY 11706
Instrucciones de instalación
1 "El desafío más reciente de seguridad en el agua de Estados Unidos es algo de lo que nunca has oído hablar" por Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Enlace al artículo: https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/16/health/waterborne-diseases-cdc-study-wellness/index.html
Would you lick the inside of this water pipe loaded with biofilms ! Yet we drink from it, brush our teeth, shower and wash our dishes.
¿Te gustaría lamer el interior de esta pipa de agua cargada de biopelículas? Sin embargo, bebemos de ella, nos cepillamos los dientes, nos duchamos y lavamos los platos.
A variety of water treatment systems already exist for commercial and residential use. Unfortunately, many of these systems rely on magnets, harsh chemicals and electricity. Magnet systems deal with iron only. This causes the treated area to clog with the attracted iron particles, resulting in the expensive replacement of entire pipe section. Chemical systems contribute to the corrosion and decay of the systems to which they are applied. Electro-signal systems do nothing to deal directly with the problem. They give a maintenance notification when a system reaches a predetermined inefficient state.
In the early nineties, a new innovative bio-signal water treatment device was invented. The result is a device which can clear scaled pipes, stop corrosion and improve the quality of drinking water (regardless of flow rate and temperature). This solution is the NAWT Collar.
The problem of pin-holed pipes and rusted pipes has always come first. The aim has been to keep the pipes free from deposits and corrosion. Corrosion (rust), lime scale, algae/microbiological problems, and crude oil Impurities (paraffin wax) are common problems in many pipe systems. The NAWT Collar bio-signal treatment system cleans the pipe by detaching the oxidation, lime, corrosion, algae and paraffin. It is continuously working to restrict more from developing. In addition the Collar allows the system to be maintained at an optimum, environmentally friendly levels. What is even more impressive is that this technology works without the use of chemicals or energy input systems of any type. Therefore, It significantly reduces the need for chemicals in cooling towers .It also reduces downtime needed to clean equipment such as boilers, heat exchangers and chillers. With the use of the Collar you will see huge savings in electrical use and maintenance.
Ya existe una variedad de sistemas de tratamiento de agua para uso comercial y residencial. Desafortunadamente, muchos de estos sistemas dependen de imanes, productos químicos agresivos y electricidad. Los sistemas de imanes solo trabajan con hierro. Esto hace que el área tratada se obstruya con las partículas de hierro atraídas, lo que resulta en el costoso reemplazo de toda la sección de la tubería. Los sistemas químicos contribuyen a la corrosión y descomposición de los sistemas a los que se aplican. Los sistemas de electroseñales no hacen nada para tratar directamente el problema. Proporcionan una notificación de mantenimiento cuando un sistema alcanza un estado insuficiente predeterminado. A principios de los años noventa, se inventó un nuevo e innovador dispositivo de tratamiento de agua con bioseñal. El resultado es un dispositivo que puede limpiar tuberías con escamas, detener la corrosión y mejorar la calidad del agua potable (independientemente del caudal y la temperatura). Esta solución es el collar NAWT.
El problema de las tuberías con agujeros y tuberías oxidadas siempre ha sido lo primero. El objetivo ha sido mantener las tuberías libres de depósitos y corrosión. La corrosión (óxido), las incrustaciones de cal, los problemas microbiológicos o de algas y las impurezas del petróleo crudo (cera de parafina) son problemas comunes en muchos sistemas de tuberías. El sistema de tratamiento de bioseñales NAWT Collar limpia las tuberías separando la oxidación, la cal, la corrosión, las algas y la parafina. Está trabajando continuamente para restringir el desarrollo de más. Además, The Collar permite mantener un sistema a niveles óptimos y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Lo que es aún más impresionante es que esta tecnología funciona sin el uso de productos químicos o sistemas de entrada de energía de ningún tipo. Por lo tanto, reduce significativamente la necesidad de productos químicos en las torres de enfriamiento. También reduce el tiempo de inactividad necesario para limpiar equipos como calderas, intercambiadores de calor y enfriadores. Con el uso de The Collar, verá grandes ahorros en el uso eléctrico y el mantenimiento.
The NAWT Collar has expanded its horizons. We are now servicing all of North America including Mexico and Canada!
We have also expanded internationally into South America. The Collar is now in Chile, Bolivia, and Peru with installations at a paper mill, winery irrigation system and mine refinery.
North America Water Technology
271 Skip Lane Bay Shore, New York 11706, United States nawatertech.net info@nawatertech.net
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